The simplification is quite a shame. Like reducing Tiger Woods as simply "black".

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Yes. I would have hoped that media writing about Harris would actually provoke some reflection on the nature of racial categories, rather than just enforcing an inconsistent categorization as orthodoxy. Sometimes it seems that's too much to ask.

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OK, not being American, I'm not very on top of this ... but isn't Harris also partly white? Looking at pictures of her father, surely he has European as well as African ancestry. Why is white ancestry never mentioned if Kamala's race is at issue?

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The pictures I've seen of Donald Harris don't necessarily indicate to me that he has white ancestry, and Wikipedia says both his parents were Afro-Jamaican. But I wouldn't be surprised if he did some. Many "black" people are indeed mixed to at least some degree; as I note in the post, the one-drop rule means that in the US they still are called just "black". I'd like to see that change, and I hope that posts like this help push things in that direction, but the change hasn't come yet.

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