I’m doing voice to text while in an ER room after having chopped off a small portion of the tip of my right middle finger i’m fine by the way not stoked about this of course but it could’ve been way worse and I’m fine. so punctuation on this comment will be a disaster or nonexistent I’m one of those people who is interested in a lot of stuff and doesn’t know much about anyone particular thing so I can be totally full of baloney on this, but I tend to think that part of the reason these huge tech companies can do the stuff you’re describing is because they are monopolies in a properly functioning market companies are penalized for getting shittier. I’m cautiously optimistic that the winds of change are blowing in that regard especially with the Biden administration being really strong on anti-trust which is quite a departure from the last 40 to 45 years, but we shall see.

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Thanks, Noah. I agree with you, and you've anticipated a key point of my followup post on how to fix it.

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